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Waldorf emergency education team to help terror victims in Kenya

By NNA staff

KARLSRUHE (NNA) – Following the devastating attack of the Islamist al-Shabab militants on the Westgate shopping centre in Nairobi, the emergency education department of the international Waldorf organisation Friends of Waldorf Education will open an out-patient centre for emergency education together with Kenyan trauma specialists this coming Monday.

The organisation said that the out-patient centre will support traumatised children and young people in coming to terms with their experiences and thus seek to lessen or prevent post-traumatic stress disorders. The Friends are supporting local partners in setting up the emergency centre to provide psychiatric care.

The planned out-patient trauma centre will be modelled on a similar facility at the Parzival School Centre in Karlsruhe. For about nine weeks the emergency education team will provide help for affected children’s daycare centres, schools and parents.

The crisis intervention team of the Friends of Waldorf education only recently returned from deployment in Lebanon where it worked in Syrian refugee children traumatised by the civil war in their home country. The Waldorf organisation has maintained child protection centres in the Kakuma refugee camp in in northern Kenya since January 2012.


Item: 130924-01EN Date: 24 September 2013

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